Conflict is inevitable in every marriage.
Did you know that a person's approach to resolving conflict is a major predictor of divorce?
Here I show you how, amid the inevitable conflicts in a relationship, to maintain a sweet, loving relationship that can withstand the test of time
BOOK: Love, Sex and Relationship
Be careful whom you hook up with, whom you have children with. You could be laying the foundation of a life of trauma and endless pain. SHARED CUSTODY can be severely painful for mom/dad & child.
BOOK: Love, Sex and Relationship
Be careful whom you hook up with, whom you have children with. You could be laying the foundation of a life of trauma and endless pain. SHARED CUSTODY can be severely painful for mom/dad & child.
BOOK: Love, Sex and Relationship
Be careful whom you hook up with, whom you have children with. You could be laying the foundation of a life of trauma and endless pain. SHARED CUSTODY can be severely painful for mom/dad & child.
A long-lasting marriage is possible!
All it takes is becoming conscious of how you think about and react to your partner and your behavior toward them not just in daily life, but also in conflicts. By practicing some straightforward healthy behaviors, you can enjoy a harmonious partnership with your spouse.
Respect your stress response.
A stressed body massively impairs your ability to solve a problem, so take a break for a few minutes until your body has noticeably calmed down before attempting to resolve a conflict with your partner.
* What kind of parent will you be? Will you be a passive father? Will you assist with the discipline of the children?
* Who will work?
* Will you assist with the house chores?
* How many children do you want?
* How much may I spend without your approval?
* Will you be obsessed about how long I speak to a friend?
* How will you deal with mis-understanding or disagreement?
* Who will initiate sex?
* Whose family will we be spending Thanksgiving/ Christmas with this year?
* How is the relationship with your mom, and dad?
* How do you deal with conflict? Do you shout and yell at the slightest misunderstanding or annoyance?
* Will you threaten to leave me if I refuse to be sexually intimate with you before marriage? Will you force me into sexual activity against your will?
* A question to ponder. Are you more concerned about my money and other physical assets than my character?
* Will you work?
* Who will manage the finances?
* How will you deal with in-laws that try to meddle (difficult in-laws)?
Will you have greater regard for me than your relatives/ In-laws? Will you choose me over your in-laws?
* Will you try to manipulate my time allocation for your family?
* How do you feel about my offering financial assistance to my family?
* How do you communicate when annoyed? (Does he/she raise their voice or become verbally abusive?
Is he/she a narcissist? Do you know the signs?) If not, watch to this video clip. Derrick is on point here:
Life is a
One-time gift
Understand it &
Live it
Are you equally yoked?
One way to minimize the likelihood of undue stress and pain is to ensure that you are not unequally yoked
Never marry a person who does not share the same beliefs as you.
Clayton King is on point here
Provide your info below and learn the following:
How to talk so your spouse will listen
What to do when verbally or physically abuse
How to deal with sexual problems
How to deal with the feeling of being trapped in a failing marriage
What to do when your partner continues to cheat
How to tame your spouse's tongue
Why does my wife want me to help with house chores
What are the fundamental needs of a woman
What are the fundamental needs of a man
& more