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Welcome to

The Marriage Academy

by Lloyd Allen

The Ultimate

Marriage & Premarital Coaching program

The Workshop

All that you'll ever need to know

The Workshop is designed for Married Couples
& Singles Contemplating Marriage:

1. Those married, but lack knowledge of the fundamental components of what constitute a stunningly successful marriage. (Married Couples)

2. Those who plan to get married and don't want to become another divorce statistic through ignorance of the basic concepts of a triumphant marriage. 

The Course includes the following:

1. Nine (9) Modules representing 9 weeks of coaching through videos, audios, and scripts

2. A private Facebook membership group where you'll receive ongoing support.

3. As a bonus you'll receive a free E-copy of my book, and have full access to all my marriage enhancing and premarital preparation resources.

(The Singles)


* Role Expectation
* I explore the Four (4) basic sources that inform your partner's perspective of marriage
1. One's upbringing
2. The Media
3. Friends
4. The proper sources of information e.g. Church, Bible-based reading material, higher learning, Family workshops, etc
Note: These are the basic sources that make your partner who he/she is, except some impactful influences intervened to change the natural order of learning.
If these sources were flawed, then your partner will naturally have a distorted perspective of marriage. How your partner managed to navigate these influences of life will determine how fit they are for a marital relationship. 
Get the facts before it's too late. 

never rush a relationship. Remember, the sweetest fruits ripen slowly

Did you know that one of the major causes of divorce is unmet expectations in marriage?

Why Premarital Preparation? Knowledge Is Power! When you don't know how to do something it becomes difficult, even impossible. But when you know how to do something, it is EASY. Are you blundering along, or are you living triumphantly?



The Man as Leader

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* Why does she carve his leadership?

What happens when he fails to lead? 

* Follow me as I conduct a thorough examination of the section of the wedding vows that relates to LOVE & CHERISH.

How does he lead through cherishing her?

* I help the man to understand his role to lead.

The scope of his leadership role.i.e.

The different areas in which he is expected to lead 

* Why is it so important to her that HE helps with: 

House chores, Parenting (active-not passive), etc.

Is he teachable, Does he lead with humility? Is he flexible?

*The man must initiate the move to cherish her, even when she is sad, impatient and angry.

He sets the mood by which his family function.



Why should you become a relationship expert? Did you know that the number one cause of divorce is incredible ignorance? You thought knowledge was expensive? Check ignorance


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Conflict Resolution
How Do You Fight?

In this module I reveal why a person's approach to resolving conflict is a major predictor of divorce

How to talk so your spouse will listen


How to diffuse tension in the relationship and "turn away the wrath".

Four communication patterns that predict divorce

How to make yourself lovable to your spouse, even amid bitter strife and misunderstanding?

How to master the art of listening

How to make the dating experience last a lifetime. Here I also share my personal experiences

Even though conflicts are inevitable in a relationship, I'll show you how to maintain a sweet, loving relationship that can withstand the test of time

Are you unequally yoked?

Why a Course in Premarital Preparation? If you fail to discuss the hard topics relating to marriage before the wedding, you may have to learn them through fighting during marriage. It may be too late

Was SEX designed for the purpose of serving yourself or to serve your partner?

Why is the woman considered a hotplate and the man a gas stove?

Why is it that a man may have a quarrel with his wife at 9:00 pm and "be ready" at 9:10 pm? But for the woman, she may not be ready until 10:00 pm- the next day?

Sex: The distinctive differences between men and women

What's the relationship between spirituality and sex?

Words to say to your wife to excite her sexual desire and the words that kill her interest

Why is sex so important to a man?

The clitoris. Why is it studded with 8000 nerve endings?

 Some of the primary causes of low libido, and what you can do to help.


Why is infidelity in a marriage so devastating?

Sex during courtship?   How sex re-wires the brain

The Lie of Casual Sex.       Pornography




What sex got to do with it?

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Learn about Sex and the Youth- Why the obsession?

The Neo-cortex and the Amygdala

SEX. Did you know that a man can have a quarrel with his wife at 9 pm and be "ready" at 9:10 pm? But the woman. She may have a quarrel at 9:00 am and at not be "ready" even at 10:00 pm the next day. Learn why this is so. You must understand the relationship between her psychological nature and her sexual nature


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Module 5


Another Major area of marital conflict


In this course I explore the art of listening

How to talk so your spouse can listen & how to listen so they can talk

How you should respond to your partner's bid to connect

I disclose the secret to becoming a great spouse. This is a trait manifested in the habits of couples that have been married for more than half century

Dynamite in your dentures? I discuss The POWER Of WORDS 

Finding freedom from past hurt and disappointment

Do you/ Does he have "junk in the truck"

Are you or your partner taking baggage from past relationships into the marriage

Have you mastered the art of forgiveness. 

Get my E-Book on The Power of Forgiveness

Your hope of a triumphant and successful marriage is determined by your ability to communicate effectively. e.g.

When your wife is ready to talk, you be ready to listen. And if you should interrupt her, it must be with the words, "Tell me more".

The Major Predictors of Divorce and how to avoid them

How to spot the four most destructive communication patterns. You must avoid marrying a partner who habitually exhibit any of these vicious communication patters. These patterns are also considered the major predictors of divorce: 

1. Criticism. (Subtle and dangerous).

Does he/she display the characteristics of a NARCISSIST?

You will never be able to understand a narcissist. If you were to marry a narcissist, marriage will be an extremely painful experience for you.

Learn what a narcissist look like

I reveal the single most deadly habit that I have observed (after 23 years of counseling experience) that ruins relationships

2. Defensiveness

3. Stonewalling

4. Contempt

You'll receive a thorough examination of these traits and how to identify them in a prospective spouse. 

Module 6

The Major Predictors of Divorce and

how to avoid them

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Module 7

Dealing with IN-LAWS

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How far should you go in educating your relatives about their interference in your marriage? Should you say, "My husband/wife said", or "We said?" 


I discuss how far you should go in establishing a relationship with your in-laws


If the wife's relatives are interfering in the marriage who should speak up?


Should you vent to your in-laws regarding the negative issues in your marriage?

How should you relate to your husband if he is "mama's boy?"

As the new dad at home, how should you approach the administration of discipline to the grand kids?

What should you do if your spouse shares more secret with the relatives than with you?

You do not share the same value system as the in-laws, how should you relate to them?


and much more...

Did you know that the marriage bond is the most sacred family tie on earth, and should be jealously guarded?


Who should manage the finances at home. The husband or wife?

How much should you spend without his/her permission?

Should you have one, two or three bank accounts? 

Is it a healthy practice for the man to be responsible for some bills while the woman pays other bills?

What part does culture play in the way we perceive money. 

How should you relate to a spouse who spends injudiciously or a spouse who is stingy and unkind.


How much should you spend for step kids and in-laws?

Should you prepare a prenuptial agreement?


What about a budget?

Module 8


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Do you spend more time and resources planning your wedding, than you do planning your marriage?

An important way to plan your marriage is to receive proper pre-marital preparation

Module 9

His Needs/ Her Needs

* You will receive a blueprint that I have designed with 27 NEEDS OF THE WOMAN of which you must be aware before you get married


* You will also receive my list of 15 NEEDS OF A MAN of which you must be knowledgable before you tie the knot.

Did you know that a major cause of divorce is a lack of knowledge regarding the spouse's needs?

Marriage is essentially about meeting needs

Are you meeting your partner's needs based on what you like or based on what they want?

Why do you take your car to the gas station? Do you drink gas? NO!  You are just giving the car what it needs.


We must understand her/ his needs if we are to meet those needs.

Marriage is the union of TWO SERVANTS IN LOVE.        Marriage is essentially about MEETING NEEDS

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 Finding your soul mate

If you are a person with a destiny, the relationship you are in can either enhance you or slow you down.

Many people's approach to relationship is:

Hook up with somebody and make the best of it.

That's a potentially dangerous path to tread

In your quest to finding your soul mate, If you fail to observe these important principles, you could be in for a rude awakening:

1. Chemistry 2. Connection 3. Wholeness 4. Divine confirmation 5. A sense of purpose

  Get the facts before it's too late  

Did you know that one of the principal causes of divorce is the lack of proper premarital preparation?

Never get married without premarital preparation. There's a 99 percent likelihood you'll live to regret it


Never marry out of desperation. i.e. Lack of money or opportunity, the biological clock is ticking, all your friends are getting married, you are bombarded with unkind comments by friends and family.

Be Strong!


Better be a happy single than a miserable double

Never marry a NARCISSIST.

I tell it all inside the course


Don't marry her/him merely because your dad, mom, friend or church elder made the recommendation, or thinks that the perfect person for you, even though you think otherwise

Never affix your signature to a contract without reviewing the terms of the agreement. Never sign the marriage vows until you do a thorough check on prized possession. Check 'em out. That's the principal purpose of proper premarital preparation


Never marry someone who habitually abuses you verbally, sexually, physically or emotionally. Escape for your life

Never marry just because you got pregnant or had a child with him/her

Never marry until you do you checks and balances. Get to know about his/her past, present and future plans. Don't be blinded by infatuation. Get the facts- Marriage is real


My heart has been sufficiently impacted by human woes. The pain and heartache that more than fifty (50) percent of the population is enduring in a failing marriage is disturbing.


I am committed to assist in stemming the tide of divorce and repair the brokenness in relationships.


I stand ready to help you. This is your opportunity. Arm yourself with knowledge  

No longer will you navigate marriage like a novice, or a simpleton, hoping it will work. Instead you will launch into this life-long journey of romance with a calm confidence that this relationship will become a success story. 

Botteled Berry Juice

About Lloyd Allen: 

Author, Speaker and Family Advocate.

A trained Family Therapist and Clinical Mental Health Counselor.

MS - Marriage, Family & Couples Therapy. Barry University

MS - Clinical Mental Health Counselor. Barry University

(Dual Specialization)

BA- Theology- Northern Caribbean University

       & University of Costa Rica (UNADECA)



Minister of Religion in Jamaica, Turks and Caicos Islands and

Conference Lay Evangelism Regional Director (USA)


Traveled extensively in and out of the USA speaking, counseling and conducting family seminars and evangelistic series


Author of a book on relationships: "A Close look at Love, Sex and Relationships"

Lloyd is happily married to Rae, a former missionary to South Korea.

They have two sons' Lloyd Jr. and Daniel

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After several years of marriage, my husband and I realized that our marriage was in trouble, so we asked God to provide a Godly councilor for us, and that he did. He provided Pr. Lloyd Allen, a man of wisdom and integrity. He gave us sound and biblical council. We can't express how happy and blessed we are.  Pr. Allen, thank your for restoring our marriage! "CAFG"

Hi Pastor, thank you sooo much for taking the time to counsel B & myself.. I have always admired the way you treasure Sis Allen. with so much love & respect..God has truly blessed you 
with a wonderful family. You are my role model & I thank God for you. 
We appreciate & love you guys so much and always will.  Have a 
Blessed day 


Things are going good!  Your counseling & prayers have brought us even
closer! We no longer " by the Grace of God' utter any negative words to each other 
Thank you 


Pastor Allen, Pastor Allen, Pastor Allen, Thanks sooo much for the book. I decided at midday today to begin reading it and was so riveted to the inspiration and wisdom that I couldn't stop until I had read all of the 63 pages. Your mastery in relating scenarios made the book so very relevant, and I'm certain that it will be a blessing and a success. I plan to gift some copies for the holidays and I must get one for myself because I like to read and underline. I made two pages of notes and anecdotes in my notebook today to ensure that the atrophied brain cells absorb the nutrition and start to work again!

Thanks again and I pray for continued abundance of blessings on you and family🏾

"Elder B."

You thought knowledge was expensive? Check ignorance

When you don't know how to do something, it is difficult or impossible.

But when you know how to do something, it becomes easy.

Be equipped with knowledge:

For more information email me at:

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Your Marriage Should not just Survive, But Thrive

Every Marriage Needs A Maintenance Program

Join the Marriage Academy Today

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Your happiness is determined by the choices you make

Possessing knowledge you can no linger be a slave

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